Curriculum Vitae (short)
Ph.D., Spanish with specialization in Latin American Studies, Stockholm University (2022).
M.A., Romance Studies with specialization in Spanish, Stockholm University, Sweden (2017)
M.A., Comparative Studies of Art, Literature, and Thought, Pompeu Fabra University, Spain (2013)
B.A., Mass Media and Communication Studies, Central University of Venezuela, Venezuela (2011)
a) Books
Regionalismo ensamblado: Cultura, ecología política y extractivismos en Latinoamérica (1930-1940). Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2025.
b) Peer Reviewed Journal Articles & Book Chapters
“Mining.” Power Shift: Keywords for a New Politics of Energy, edited by Imre Szeman and Jennifer Wenzel. West Virginia University Press. [Forthcoming 2025]
“Una cosmopolítica petrolera: cultura, energía y modernización en Venezuela (1936-1958).” Cosmopolitismos disidentes. Redes, viajes, articulaciones, edited by Mario Cámara and Jorge Locane. Eduvim. [Forthcoming 2025]
“Energy Matters: Latin America and the Cultural Critique of Energy.” (co-authored with Manuel Silva-Ferrer). Environmental Humanities. [Forthcoming March 2025]
“Documentar el petróleo: estética del crudo en el cine documental venezolano (1968-1981).” Los paisajes del subsuelo: imaginarios, representaciones y espacios en las culturas del petróleo, edited by Manuel Silva-Ferrer. [Accepted]
“Otra cartografía del espacio tropical: Escritura geocultural, regionalismo y urgencia de mapa nuevo en Brasil y Venezuela (1930-1940).” El uso de los mapas. Cartografiar en América Latina (siglos XIX-XXI) special issue of América. Cahiers du CRICCAL, 57, 2, 2024, pp. 180–192 DOI: 10.4000/america.714.
“Representación y experiencia de los desechos materiales: una etnografía sensorial.” Revista Letral, 32, 2024, pp. 45–68. DOI: 10.30827/rl.v0i32.26296.
“Early Solar Materialism: Labour, Energy, and the Political Ecology of Salt in Venezuela.” Indigenous Ecologies, special issue of Think Pieces: The Institute of Advanced Studies Review, edited by Olivia Arigho-Stiles and Adriana Suárez Delucchi, 2023.
“El secreto de la tierra: Entangled Poetics and the Venezuelan Amazon in Una ojeada al mapa de Venezuela (1939) by Enrique Bernardo Núñez.” The Amazon River Basin in Contemporary Latin American Culture, special issue of the Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, edited by Patricia Vieira, 32, 2, 2023, pp. 283-298. DOI: 10.1080/13569325.2023.2214502.
“Development under Scrutiny: Environment, Geopolitics and a Reimagination of Latin America.” (co-authored with Andrés Rivarola Puntigliano). Handbook on International Development and the Environment, edited by Benedicte Bull and Mariel Aguilar-Støen, 2023, pp. 71-82. Edward Elgar. DOI: 10.4337/9781800883789.00012.
“Sites of Situated Hope: Amazonian Rhythms, Unruly Caribbean Plants and Post-Anthropocentric Gazes in Contemporary Latin American Cinema.” (co-authored with Azucena Castro). Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, 2023. DOI: 10.1080/13569325.2022.2158440.
“Archivos de la mina planetaria: arte, ecología política y geología de medios en Chile y Venezuela.” Arte, política y activismo: acciones digitales en la América contemporánea, special issue of Diálogos latinoamericanos, edited by Daniel Escandell Montiel, Vega Sánchez Aparicio, and Juan Carlos Cruz Suárez, vol. 31, 2022, pp. 110–125. DOI: 10.7146/dl.v31i.132589
“Regionalismo orgánico: humanidad, naturaleza y capitalismo en Juan O’Gorman y Nicolás Cabral.” Orbis Tertius, vol. 26, no. 33, 2021, pp. 1-15. DOI: 10.24215/18517811e192.
“Testimonios del Oro Negro: Petróleo y Memoria en el Cine Documental Venezolano del Siglo XX.” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, vol. 97, no. 9, 2020, pp. 1003-1020. DOI: 10.3828/bhs.2020.57.
“Caracas especular: espectadores y espacios emancipados en la instalación audiovisual Imagen de Caracas.” Iberoamericana. América Latina – España – Portugal, vol. 19, no. 72, 2019, pp. 181-195. DOI: 10.18441/ibam.19.2019.72.181-195.
c) Book Reviews
“Lo que la mina te da, la mina te quita: prácticas crítico-creativas y extractivismo minero en Venezuela.” Artishock: Revista de arte contemporáneo, 2023.
“Review of The Fernando Coronil Reader. The Struggle for Life is the Matter by Fernando Coronil, Julie Skurski, Gary Wilder, Laurent Dubois, Paul Eiss, Edward Murphy, Mariana Coronil, and David Pedersen.” European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, vol. 111, Rev. 4, 2021. DOI: 10.32992/erlacs.10803.
Recognition with diploma, “3rd edition of the Professor Andrzej Dembicz Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis on Latin America and the Caribbean,” organized by the European Council for Social Research in Latin America (CEISAL). 2025.
“Post-Doctoral Research Award” by the Society for Latin American Studies. UK, 2023-2024.
British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship. UK, 2022. Postdoctoral Fellowship award (36-month duration) at University College London with the project “Entangled Materialities: Cultures of Extraction and Regional Environments in Venezuela, 1890-1980.”
Riksbanken Jubileumsfond - Research Initiation Grant. Sweden, 2022. Postdoctoral award with the project “Archives of the Planetary Mine.”
“Best Article on Venezuela Award 2021” by the Venezuelan Studies Section of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA). USA, 2021. For the article “El secreto de la tierra: Entangled poetics and the Venezuelan Amazon in Una ojeada al mapa de Venzuela (1939), by Enrique Bernardo Núñez.”
CONFERENCES (selection)
a) Peer Review Research Papers Presented
“Designing the Mineral City of the Future: Socialization of Nature, Environing Media, and the Guayana Project in Venezuela.” Twenty-First Annual Historical Materialism Conference. SOAS, London, UK, November 7-10, 2024.
“En estas tierras áridas donde nada crecía: Early Solar Materialism and the Political Ecology of Salt in Araya, Venezuela,” LASA Congress 2024. Bogotá, Colombia, June 12-15, 2024.
“The Political Ecology of Ciudad Guayana: Designing the Mineral City of the Future,” Petrocultures 2024. Los Angeles, USA, May 15-18, 2024.
“Archivos de la mina planetaria,” in panel session “Las formas de lo no-humano III – Agenciamientos, despoblamientos y resistencias,” LASA Congress 2023. Vancouver, Canada/online, May 24-27, 2023.
“Organic Regionalism: Rethinking Humanity, Nature, and Capitalism in Juan O’Gorman’s and Nicolás Cabral’s Works,” in panel “Radical Environmental Thinking: Alternative Environmentalisms and Undisciplined Political Ecologies in Latin American Literatures and Cultures,” LASA Congress 2022. San Francisco, USA/online, May 5-8, 2022.
“Deforestation, Plantations, and the Poetics of Plants in 19th Century Venezuela,” in panel “Extractivism and the Anthropocene in 19th Century Latin America,” MLA Annual Convention 2022, Washington, DC/online, January 6-9, 2022.
“Canaima Reloaded: Slow Violence, Extractivism, and Sickness in the Venezuelan Amazon,” ASLE 2021 Conference – Emergence/Y. Online, July 26 - August 6, 2021.
“Polluted Environments, Polluted Politics: Revolutionary Humanities as Storytelling for Change in Venezuela,” STREAMS: Transformative Environmental Humanities. KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm/Online, August 3-7, 2021.
“‘A black space where my heart beats:’ Oil, Coffee, and Ecological Uncertainties in the Hispanic Caribbean,” LASA Congress 2020. Online, May 13-16, 2020.
“Entre el campo y el ascensor: A Latin American Alterworlding Excursion into Post-Anthropocentric Worlds.” 3rd PARSE Biennial Research Conference: “Human.” University of Gothenburg, Sweden, November 13-15, 2019.
“Ecological Contiguities: Post-anthropocentric Speculations in Contemporary Latin American Verbal and Visual Arts.” The Great Environmental Switch. Ecology, Technology, and Thinking. Stockholm University, Sweden, May 20-21, 2019.
b) Conferences, Workshops & Panels Organized
“Sites of Non-Spectacular Resistance to Ecological Exhaustion: Minor Cities, Extractive Landscapes, and the Expansive Footprint of Energy Consumption.” (Panel co-convened with Penélope Plaza). Petroculures 2024. Los Angeles, USA, May 15-18, 2024. [Accepted]
“Archives of the Planetary Mine: Culture, Nature Extraction, and Energy across the Americas, 1900s-2000s.” (Workshop). Nordic Institute of Latin American Studies (Stockholm University) and Royal College of Technology (KTH). Stockholm, Sweden, November 14-15, 2022.
“Mundos en suspenso: enfermedad, ecología y cultura. Aproximaciones ecocríticas y de humanidades ambientales al cine y la literatura latinoamericana contemporánea.” (Panel co-convened with Azucena Castro). Norwegian Association of Latin American Studies (NALAS) Conference 2021. Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway, October 28-29, 2021.
“Facing the Great Derangement: Cultural Responses to Climate Change and the Unthinkable from Latin America and the Global South.” (Workshop co-organized with Ken Benson and Azucena Castro). Online, June 3-4, 2021.
“New Intersections of Nature, Culture and Bodies in Latin American Literature.” (Panel). LASA Congress 2020 – Améfrida Ladina: vinculando mundos y saberes, tejiendo esperanzas. Online, May 13-16, 2020.
“Alterworldings from Latin America: Hybrid Bodies, Absent Bodies, Things that Matter, and the Praxis of Ecocriticism.” (Panel). 3rd PARSE Biennial Research Conference: “Human.” University of Gothenburg, Sweden, November 13-15, 2019.
Speaker to “Meaning, materiality and scale: massified energy resource production in the 20th century.” KTH – Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. May 30-31, 2024.
Speaker to “Environmental Humanities Lab – Brown Bag Seminars Series,” with Henrik Ernstson. KTH – Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. October 6, 2023.
Speaker to “The Last Workshop: Latin America and the End of the World.” University of Bergen, Norway. September 6, 2003.
Speaker to “Winds of Change and Streams of Solidarity: Latin America, the Caribbean, and Europe in the 21st Century” in session “Water and resources in the last frontier.” University of Bergen, Norway, September 4-5, 2023.
Speaker to “Facing the Challenges of Climate Change – Latin American Perspectives” with the presentation “Orinoco Mining Arc: Energy Culture and the New Political Geography of Extractivism.” Stockholm University, Sweden. November 17-18, 2022.
“Explorando el secreto de la tierra: culturas de la extracción en Venezuela, 1890-1980.” (Re)pensando a Venezuela: conversatorio interdisciplinario. Online. October 28, 2022.
Speaker to “Central and South America Platform - CESAM Talks: Session 1 - Culture, Politics and Extractivism in Venezuela.” Ghent University, Belgium. October 4, 2022.
“Entangled Materialities.” CIVIS Summer School in Environmental Humanities. Online. May 20, 2022.
“Territorios del petróleo: Venezuela, imaginario petrocultural y la paradoja de la abundancia - in conversation with Venezuelan artist Ana Alenso.” Geography Institute, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. November 23, 2021.
University College London (UK), Lecturer (2024, scheduled)
Comp. Lit. and Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American Studies: “The Political Ecology of Latin American Culture” (Fall 2024)
Comp. Lit. and Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American Studies: “The Power of Words” (Fall 2024)
Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (Venezuela), Associated Research Lecturer (2024)
Explorando las culturas de la extracción: Introducción a las Humanidades Ambientales y Energéticas en Venezuela (Spring 2024)
University of Helsinki (Finland), Guest Lecturer (2023)
Approaches to Latin American Studies course: “Environmental Humanities Perspectives in Latin American Studies” (Fall 2023)
Ghent University (Belgium), Guest Lecturer (2022)
Spanish Bachelor’s course: “Extractivismo y modernidad – Literatura hispanoamericana en perspectiva histórica” (Spring 2022)
Stockholm University (Sweden), Teaching Scholar (2018-2021)
Spanish Beginners Course: “Culture and Society in Latin America II” (Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Spring 2020, Fall 2020); “Oral Communication in Spanish” (Spring 2019)
Spanish I: “Text and Literature I” (Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Fall 2020, Spring 2021)
Spanish II: “Literary Analysis II” (Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021)
Spanish III: “Modern Literature in Spanish” (Fall 2021)
Latin American Studies: “Bachelor’s course: Independent Project” (Spring 2020); “Latin America and the World” (Spring 2021); “Indigenismo – The rise, fall, and artistic expressions of a political movement” (Fall 2021; Fall 2022).
Review Committee (2022-present) – Textos y contextos. Edited by Central University of Ecuador.
Assistant Editor (2019-present) - Iberoamericana – Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Edited by Stockholm University Press.
Panel Reviewer for The British Academy 2024 International Interdisciplinary Research Projects.
Jury Member for “Best Article on Venezuela Award (Humanities)” by LASA’s Venezuelan Studies Section, 2023.
UK Latin American Historians Network
“What the Mine Gives, the Mine Takes: Critical-Creative Praxis and Mineral Extractivism in Venezuela.” UCL Institute of Advanced Studies and UCL Anthropocene, London, UK, and online. February 21, 2024.
“Violence, Ecocide, and Global Corruption in the Venezuelan Amazon: Political Ecology Perspectives on Venezuela.” Nordic Institute of Latin American Studies, Sweden, Online, April 28, 2022.
IV ciclo de cine argentino en Estocolmo. (Film Festival). In collaboration with the Embassy of Argentina in Stockholm. Nordic Institute of Latin American Studies, Sweden, December 1-3, 2021.
NILAS Latin American Film Festival. (Film Festival). Nordic Institute of Latin American Studies, Sweden, September 13-17, 2021.
Co-founder of Rizoma: Latin American Laboratory of Art, Ecology and Science. Environmental Humanities platform, 2020-today.
“El secreto de la tierra: Poéticas entrelazadas y la Amazonía venezolana en Una ojeada al mapa de Venezuela (1939), de Enrique Bernardo Núñez.” Trópico Absoluto: Revista de crítica, pensamiento e ideas, 2024.
“The Fernando Coronil Reader. The Struggle for Life is the Matter.” Trópico Absoluto: Revista de crítica, pensamiento e ideas, 2023.
“Archives of the Planetary Mine: Culture, Nature Extraction, and Energy across the Americas.” Energy Humanities, 2023.
“Dilemmas for a poesía de la tierra, by Igor Barreto.” (Translation). Latin American Literature Today, no. 12, 2019.